Celebrating IP in Sports- Coverage by WIPO’s World IP Day Events Map

Our World Intellectual Property Day 2019 celebration covered by WIPO’s World IP Day Events Map.
Resonating with the theme of WIPO on the occasion of World Intellectual Property Day 2019 – “Reach for Gold: IP and Sports”, we celebrated the day with a spirit of sportsmanship. Our firm members were dressed in their favourite Sportsperson’s/Team’s Sportswear. Various activities were arranged for the day – a quiz testing knowledge on Sports and their Brand name, a competition for creating creative artwork, sculptures using new or used sports equipment and a trivia on IP and Sports. In addition, a book store dedicated to IP and sports was put up for everybody’s perusal. The gamut of activities drew strong participation from our firm members and “explored how innovation, creativity and the IP rights support the development of sport” through the day. Further, our in-house Cricket team was also felicitated at the one-day event along with the winners of the different competitions.