Delhi High Court grants damages and costs in favor of Tata Sons Limited.

In a matter (Tata Sons v. Jayaram Ayaa) listed before the Delhi High Court today, our application seeking a summary judgment was allowed and the Hon’ble Judge has granted damages and costs in favour of the Tata Sons Limited. The Defendant was not present on the day of hearing i.e. 11th July 18 and the Hon’ble Judge after hearing our arguments noted that there was no need to issue any notice to the Defendant in our application.
The Hon’ble Judge further noted that in this case there is no need for the Plaintiff to lead evidence as the Defendant has no real prospect of succeeding on the claim or successfully defending the claim. Moreover, in this case, the right of the Defendant to file written statement had been closed and issues were also not framed.
We were granted Rs. 5 lacs as damages and Rs. 4,57,770 as costs to be recovered from the Defendants. The Defendants were also directed to destroy all the infringing goods, seized from them, in presence of Plaintiff’s representative.