Successful Destruction of Counterfeit Goods by Indian Customs
The Indian Customs have successfully carried out destruction of counterfeit goods of multiple brands, across ports like, ICD Sonepat, New Customs Office, Delhi, ICD Tughlakabad and Ballard Estate, Mumbai. Anand and Anand joined the customs proceedings as per the provisions of Intellectual Property Rights (Imported Goods) Enforcement Rules, 2007 and obtained favourable orders from the Indian Customs, wherein the Indian Customs ordered for absolute confiscation and destruction of the counterfeit goods. In view of the said order, the respective ports of Indian Customs initiated the destruction proceedings and we joined the said destruction proceedings. Four matters across various ports of Mumbai, Delhi and Sonepat have been successfully disposed off and approximately 40,000 units of counterfeit goods of different luxury brands, represented by Anand and Anand have been destroyed in the said proceedings, by the Indian Customs.
Team Anand and Anand comprised of Manish Biala and Ashutosh Upadhyaya.