Tata Sons Limited & Anr v. Krishna Kumar & Ors.; CS (COMM) NO.225 OF 2018

The Defendants, in this case, were portraying to unwary customers that they are a prominent TATA Group Company and are engaged in the business of providing multi-layered financial/ insurance services identical to that provided by the Plaintiff No.2 i.e. Tata Capital Financial Services Ltd. In this regard, the Defendants had also made a fraudulent website at www.tatafinserve.com. The Defendants were seeking security deposits against financial services portraying as part of the TATA Group and various persons were getting duped by asking persons to deposit security deposits in the Defendants’ bank accounts.
The Hon’ble Court passed orders freezing the bank accounts of the Defendants, granted Rs. 10 lakh as damages to the Plaintiffs in light of the Defendants’ illegal and infringing activities. Costs of the proceedings were also granted in favour of the Plaintiffs. Further, the Court has directed the domain www.tatafinserve.com to be transferred to the Plaintiffs.