A conference on contemporary issues in competition law brings together industry experts and notable speakers who piece together the the puzzle in terms of determining the right market, exclusive deals and more.
In a recently delivered decision, the Competition Commission dealt the first legal blow to the practice of discounting and pricing-below-cost, ordering an investigation into Ola’s practices on the basis
E-commerce websites in India can breathe a sigh of relief as the Competition Commission of India (CCI) has declined to order an investigation into the allegedly anti-competitive practice
An article exploring the evolution of competition legislation in India, the role of competition authorities and the relationship between competition law and intellectual property. Competition law in India was governed
Archana Shanker and Shraddha Chauhan look at ways in which India can and should be using competition law to underpin patent rights in a monopoly-hungry environment. Patent litigation
IP rights provide rights-holders with tremendous freedom to determine how their intellectual properties will be exploited, but IP laws don’t confer immunity from competition law. The perception that