Wherever there is hope, there is IP. As we come together to celebrate World IP Day in these unprecedented times, the Patents team at Anand and Anand is
We are proud to present the 4th edition of Patents and Design Rewind 2017, an encapsulation of the developments that have taken place in the last year in
The Indian Patent office (IPO) has published an update on India’s progress as an international searching authority. As per the report, the number of Applicants choosing India as a
The federation of Indian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (FISME), with support of the prosperity fund through British High Commission in India, have established and IPR Exchange ,
The Controller General of Patents Design and Trademarks (CGPDTM) office is taking various measures to make the system of the patent office more user friendly and transparent. Two
The Indian patent office has published the revised guidelines for examination of Computer related inventions (CRIs). The guidelines, while still being silent on the technical effect, do away with the
A recent circular by the Patent Office on issues relating to biological resources and patenting may come as a reprieve for patent applicants using biological materials from India
We are proud to present the 3rd edition of Patents and Design Rewind 2016, an encapsulation of the developments that have taken place in the last year in