Aurangabad Bench of the Bombay High Court dismisses appeal against the order of the district court in Mayo Foundation matter at admission stage itself. “Close proximity” of business
Delhi High Court vacates ex parte injunction granted against defendant finding permeation of its trans-border reputation and plaintiff’s mis-statement of facts in pleadings in case involving rival claims
Saif Khan and Shobhit Agrawal reflect on the interaction of IP laws with criminal legislation, and the anti-counterfeiting and anti-piracy jurisprudence evolving in favour of rights holders. The authors discuss in
An in-depth look into the scope, workings and development of Indian Copyright law, and agencies administering it. Copyright law in India is governed by the Copyright Act, 1957,
Anand and Anand was a knowledge partner to IAC 2016, the first International Agrobiodiversity Congress. Attended by 1050 delegates from 57 countries, the Congress is recognized by the
Prime Minister Narendra Modi expresses satisfaction that global agrobiodiversity protection efforts have started in India with the 1st International Agrobiodiversity Congress (IAC 2016) convened at Delhi, at which
A seminar cum brainstorming meeting on “Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) – Striking the right balance” was co-organised by the National Steering Committee of the International Agrobiodiversity Congress
In a landmark judgment the Delhi High Court accepts Toyota’s global reputation in PRIUS to have spilled-over sufficiently to India making it a well-known mark here too. A seven
The Delhi High Court granted an ex parte interim injunction restraining the defendants from marketing VARDENAFIL and VARDENAFIL HYDROCHLORIDE in India. The court noted that the defendants product